When thinking about a Business Website, remember this:
potential customers from all over the world can learn about your business ultimately purchase your goods or services. It is critical that your site be designed properly. What makes a website "business ready"? 

Website design is a major factor. Millions of sites are competing
for recognition out on the Web, and IWS will make sure that your 
site stands out from your competition with state of the art graphics and functionality.

However,  there's more to a website than simply the way it looks
It is just as important that it functions flawlessly. With IWS, you 
can rest assured our sites will perform for your company.

In today's marketplace, database driven web sites are essential. 
Many companies discover that the high cost of maintaining 
HTML code, either by your own staff or by a subcontractor, 
can be cost prohibitive.  These costs and delays can be avoided 
by the innovative approach that IWS utilizes in Website design.

IWS is a pioneer in Internet Website database design. A 
database website separates the content of the site from the
presentation. In doing this, whenever the presentation
needs to be updated, a developer can concentrate
simply on getting the presentation perfect, without having
to worry about adding or reorganizing contents of the site.
In addition, because of this cutting edge design, we 
can develop a site that is easily maintained by your
staff.  The database can be updated through your Website,
or modified and uploaded when it is convenient for

Obviously you don't want a company whose expertise
lies simply in graphic arts to design your Wesbsite. You
need a web development company that can balance graphic 
sensibility with business efficiency. You want a developer that can
integrate  e-commerce systems and other database information
components into your Website. You want a company that has 
experience in business marketing as well.   You need IWS for your web development needs.

Let us design, develop, and host your Website.  With an IWS web
presence, you will see a return on your Internet investment. Don't
waste your time and resources on anything less.